Dominik was born on Feb 11th, 2001 by emergency c-section. He was not breathing when he was born nor did he have a heartbeat. He was intubated and like the little trooper that we have come to love he pulled through like a champ! He was a healthy little boy until he was around 2 years old. We then started seeing many infections, fevers, bleeding problems, more infections, and lots and lots of blood draws, dr. visits and specialist referals. Dominik now see's at least 10 "specialists".

Dominik has an immune deficiency: It is b cell and t cell which leaves him suseptible to bacterial and viral infections. He also has a bleeding disorder called Von Willebrand Disease. Dominik also has some GI involvement and some kidney issues too although we have not yet identified exactly what the problem in these areas are... Dom also deals with allergies and asthma....please feel free to read further for the story of his diagnosis and journey so far....

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